I love the energy and strength this kid has, but I especially adore his kindness and how empathetic he is to others.
We have two young sons (4.5 & 1.5 years), and as they are growing they will go through periods of regression. This is normal, for many reasons, but I have noticed that our oldest has experienced numerous regressions since the pandemic began. And most recently, he experienced one that I am hoping he finished as of this week, after he had to deal with and heal from toxic transient synovitis in his left hip. When he was diagnosed, I understood the diagnosis, but I had never heard of it before, nor did I know what caused it. Now, it would be scary for any able bodied person who all of a sudden, for no accident-causing reason whatsoever, started experiencing excruciating pain in a hip, and then could not walk at all for a couple of days. This is what he went through. We took him to acute care at his pediatrician’s office, he was sent to get X-rays to make sure it wasn’t anything more serious then that, and he was then prescribed to take children’s Tylenol and/or children’s Advil to help manage the pain. He was instructed to not try to walk, nor attend school for a few days, and just lie on the couch. Our son actually got bored with watching TV. 😳 Thankfully his Uncle and Grandparents came over at various times throughout the week to help keep him entertained. Needless to say, he had a major regression after that. This happened ~2 mos ago. I am definitely happy that he seems to be coming out of this now.
I got to thinking though. Why are young children only “allowed” to regress? (Not that we can control it.) During these stressful times, I believe we all should be given permission to regress. Hell, I’d love to curl up in the fetal position and ignore everything going on right now. Unfortunately, I have bills to contribute to paying, two young children and a dog to raise, a wife to help and love, and a garden to keep growing…which means the fetal position won’t be happening. I do feel that I am regressing due to the chronic stress levels from 2020. I am having trouble dealing, processing and remembering EVERYTHING. My creativity levels are zilch. Trying to maintain patience practically brings me to tears some days, and it doesn’t help that the punches of life in 2020 keep coming.
Just this week our dishwasher broke, our youngest fell down the back stairs going outside and fractured his left clavicle, and I was laid off from one of my jobs because there’s just not enough projects going on for me to stay employed by them. I definitely did not enjoy this past week.
I do need to do my best to remain positive. Perhaps I shall allow myself to have a slight regression as I contemplate how to recover, but I will also figure out how to keep going. I need the income to help contribute to our family and also maybe this is the push I need to get some more things going that I would really enjoy doing.
Right there with you kid. We’ll get through this, I promise.